Veganism - Would you make the switch?

It seems like every second person you meet these days’ claims to be a vegan. According to Google trends the number of people searching the w...

It seems like every second person you meet these days’ claims to be a vegan. According to Google trends the number of people searching the word ‘vegan’ reached it’s highest number in March this year. A recent survey found that 2.5% of Australians and Americans identify themselves as vegan. So what is it about this new diet that has everyone avoiding the butchers shop and tossing milk down the sink? 

One of the biggest factors that influence people to convert to a vegan lifestyle is a concern for animals and the way they are treated in the meat industry. Another influence is that of celebrities who promote the lifestyle in such a positive light, highlighting weight loss, improvements in overall health and happiness and heaps of cool recipes. Would you make the switch?

Stay tuned for more on Veganism in the next few days! 

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