
For those of you who have never even heard of the mysterious wonder vegetable here are a few fun facts to get you clued up. ü Kale is a m...

For those of you who have never even heard of the mysterious wonder vegetable here are a few fun facts to get you clued up.

ü Kale is a member of the cabbage family… Mmm yum right?! But before you judge to quick, it has an ENORMOUS amount of nutritional benefits
ü Super high in anti-oxidants à kaempferol which looks after our cells, blood and DNA and quercetin which acts as an anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory, stabilising other cells in our body
ü Loaded with vitamin C à one cup of raw kale contains more vitamin C than an orange
ü Helps preserve eyesight à We all know it's the first sign of ageing! Nutrients in kale (lutein and zeaxanthin to be specific) have been linked to reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts... So keep it in tact with kale
ü It’s also a great if you’re trying to lose weight – it’s very low in calories but still leaves you feeling full
ü AND today is National Kale Day! Who would have thought - a day dedicated just to Kale!

Hopefully you now know a little more about kale and what better day to be clued up than National Kale Day!

If you’re still apprehensive stay tuned for our next post for ways to include kale into your everyday diet

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