Acai` (ah-sigh-ee)

Now this is something you all must try! The glorious Acai` berry is ever so tasty, you'll be screaming for more! This Brazilian berry ...

Now this is something you all must try! The glorious Acai` berry is ever so tasty, you'll be screaming for more!

This Brazilian berry is full of antioxidants that can provide our bodies with much needed energy to get us through our very busy lives. Acai` is on top of our list of "must haves" here at Green is the New Black, with the pleasant berry taste increasing energy levels, stamina and the speed of exercise recovery!

Enjoy as a smoothie or breakfast bowl, it is so easy to make, and there are so many different variations to choose from! The most common recipe simply includes blending 2 sachets* of the frozen berry with banana and apple juice (some people even use coconut water, and mixed berries for yummy twist) and you shall get a thick consistency. Add some yummy toppings (muesli is a must) to mix it with the Acai` goodness!

*If you purchase Acai` in a tub form, then 4 scoops is equivalent to 2 frozen sachets.
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