Something a little bit different...

While all these blog posts so far have been interesting, I feel like the mentioned ‘food trends’ aren’t all that…adventurous. SO, I thought...

While all these blog posts so far have been interesting, I feel like the mentioned ‘food trends’ aren’t all that…adventurous. SO, I thought I would change things up a bit and make some blog posts about a food trend on the rise that a lot of people would initially turn their nose up at: Insects!

So who here likes crickets?

*cue cricket noises to identify the awkward silence*

Yeah, I didn’t think so. I mean, they are so…buggy, right? Who in their right mind would even think about eating crickets?

Well according to an article from the Men’s Health magazine, crickets actually have quite remarkable nutritional value! It has been found that crickets have twice the amount of protein as beef ( all comparisons relative to size), approximately 5 times as much magnesium, packs the essential amino acids for human functioning AND can decrease the risk of contracting heart disease!

So maybe crickets aren’t so bad if they are ground up before eaten like suggested in the article as Jack Ceadel is creating a prototype protein bar made from crickets! I’m sure the gym junkies out there would love to hear that!

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