Coconut Oil

Coconut's have been a staple food in several countries for centuries - what is so good about them you ask? Well coconut oil has a uniq...

Coconut's have been a staple food in several countries for centuries - what is so good about them you ask?
Well coconut oil has a unique combination of medium length fatty acids called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are digested differently to harmful long-chain fatty acids that cause weight gain. This means coconut oil has some great medicinal properties, which include:

1. Assisting with weight loss – The MCTs in coconut oil increase the length of time over which your energy is burnt which means less calories and more energy in the long run, it also helps burn fat especially in the abdominal area and also reduces your appetite as the MCTs burn for longer you feel fuller for longer.

2. Enhances brain function in more ways than one – These MCTs in coconut oil are turned into ketone bodies at the liver; this increases the blood concentration of ketone bodies and helps reduce seizures in epileptic children. This also supplies more energy to the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients which helps relieves their symptoms.

3. Fighting infections – the fatty acids and other components of coconut oil can kill harmful pathogens, which can assist with preventing infections. It can also reduce cholesterol and in turn reduce the risk of heart disease over the long term.
Another + It can also protect your hair, mouth and skin – it is great for protecting your hair from the sun’s UV rays, it can kill harmful bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath AND it is great for hydrating dry skin.

Keep an eye out for our posts to come with tips on how to incorporate coconut oil into your daily meals and some unique and tasty recipes!

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